At Home With Jess 1-on-1 Decluttering Sessions


Closet Cleanse $250

  • This package is perfect for those who have overflowing closets and don’t know where to start. It’s all about having someone to hold you accountable to edit, sort, and organize clothes you actually wear and feel confident in. 

  • Realizing what you own is the first step to figuring out what you need. Going through this process will still allow you to have an incredible wardrobe you love, but it also forces you to become more aware of items you truly need. The Closet Cleanse has helped her clients slash their clothing spending by 1/3!

  • A Closet Cleanse with Jess will also help you fall back in love with your existing wardrobe because your mind will have more space to be creative when you are only working with items you genuinely love. 

  • She can help you organize what you have left so your decision-making is more precise when you get ready, making mornings a breeze! It’s all about maximizing the space, putting pieces on display so they are attractive to you, and giving your mind some space.

Fall Back In Love With Your Home

*Price dependent on square footage/level of work

  • This is for those who want to do a complete tidying marathon of the entire home. 

  • This isn’t just for those that own a lot of stuff. It’s for those who are having trouble relaxing in their space, feel bogged down and overwhelmed, stressed that their finances are a mess, and all of it is starting to take its toll on your relationships. 

  • Understanding what you have in your home and letting go of things that no longer serve you will provide a release, allowing new energy, ideas, and creativity to replace what’s causing you stress and anxiety. 

  • It will allow you to dive deep into your spending habits, which impact your health, relationships, and overall happiness.

Kitchen Crasher $350

  • Is your kitchen a complete disaster, and you are ready to throw in the towel? If you are struggling to keep your pantry, counters, and cupboards organized, this package is for you. With this space being the hub of the home, it’s no wonder this space can look like a bomb has gone off in no time flat. 

  • A cluttered kitchen can not only frazzle your brain, but it can skyrocket what you are spending on food, wreak havoc on your meal planning, and deplete your creativity when you’re cooking.

  • Completing a Kitchen Crasher session with Jessica will not only impact the daily function of your space, but she can improve your food spending by a third just by teaching you how to become more aware of what is in your home before you go out and shop.

  • This session is also valuable for those who rack up a tonne of spending eating out at restaurants or getting food delivered on a regular basis.

  • Intentional spending and room to think is the key focus of this package and it may also improve your overall health!

Downsize Planning

*Price dependent on square footage/level of work

  • This specific package is geared towards seniors looking to downsize within the next year.

  • It will help gain clarity on what you actually need to feel great at your next home and what you can do with the things that no longer serve you.

  • Jessica is also there to help you if you are having difficulty letting go of things that have been gifted and collected over the years from loved ones while still keeping the memories and connections intact. She understands your attachment to the things in your home, so there is no embarrassment, judgment, or pressure. The more time we have to tackle the items in the home, the more effective this process is.

  • With Jessica’s help, you will be able to sell your home faster and for more money than leaving it full of clutter. She has an experienced team that works with her specifically on downsizing listings, so you can feel confident in your decision to sell.

Playroom Purge $300

  • Are you so sick and tired of having your kid’s crap take over your entire home? Jessica has been there and utilized the Playroom Purge tactics with her kids so that there is less screaming and more playing!

  • The Playroom Purge is perfect for those families that need help with figuring out how to organize their kids’ belongings, how to teach gratitude and love towards their possessions, and regain their common living spaces again.

  • With Jessica there as your accountability coach, she can help you sort through the chaos in a non-judgemental way, create a routine that your family can handle, and set out boundaries so that your kids can manage their possessions according to their age and ability level. 

  • This transformation is incredible to be a part of, as both the parent and the child will have a different perspective on their relationships with each other and their belongings.


Move Like A Boss

*Price dependent on square footage/level of work

  • This session with Jessica is geared towards those who are one to two months out from listing their home. Her expertise comes in handy when you are trying to figure out what to pack away to maximize your living space for your home to look fabulous for that potential home buyer.

  • You will generate more showings, have better feedback, and have more chances to procure an offer than if you didn’t declutter. It’s also significantly easier to clean before showings (BONUS)!

  • If you manage a major purge before moving, you can let go of the things that are no longer serving you. Tackling this prior to the big move will save you significant time and money because you will be moving less.

  • This process will make you so organized that you will be handling possession day LIKE A BOSS!